ins买粉 Twitter启动更严苛措施 防止美国大选期间错误和虚假信息传播

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Less than a month after the US presidential election, Twitter has begun to take more stringent restrictions on the social platform to prevent the spread of errors and false information. The measures, which will come into effect next week and continue throughout the election, include restrictions on Forwarding, more tagging and warnings about misinformation.


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Twitter表示,调整这些措施主要有三个方面。 ,当用户进行转发时,系统会提示使用quote,tweet(带评论的转发推文),鼓励用户在转发内容中加入自己的观点、反应和观点,并更多地考虑他们正在分享的推文。若使用者未添加评论,则转发推文将显示为转发(转发)。

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后,Twitter不再分享“liked by”和“followed by”推荐,而“For You”标签页上的Trends只有在有额外内容的情况下才会被包括。公司表示:“这将帮助人们更快地了解美国的大量公共对话,并有助于减少误导性信息传播的可能性”。

Finally, twitter no longer shares "like by" and "followed by" recommendations, while trends on the "for you" tab are included only if there is additional content. "This will help people learn more quickly about the large amount of public dialogue in the United States and help reduce the possibility of misleading information spreading," the company said.

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