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Sensor Tower商店情报数据显示,字节跳动旗下抖音及海外版TikTok应用内购收入继续保持强劲增长,5月全球总收入达到900万美元(不包括 第三方安卓渠道)。这一数据较去年5月150万美元的应用内购收入提升500%,较今年4月740万美元环比增长22%。对比今年1月600万美元的抖币收入,5月增长了50%。
Tiktok's Sensor Tower store intelligence data showed that the byte beating and the overseas application of TikTok were continuing to maintain strong growth, and the total global revenue in May reached 9 million dollars (excluding China's third party Android channel). This figure is 500% higher than the in app purchase revenue of $1.5 million in May last year and 22% higher than that of $7.4 million in April this year. Compared with the $6 million revenue in January this year, it increased by 50% in May.
其中, iOS贡献 大,占总收入的65%。美国AppStore和Google的Play占了22%。值得一提的是,尽管印度是TikTok用户规模 大的市场,但它与收入4.5万美元的Google成正比。
此前,抖音海外版 TikTok 已经连续五季在iOS App Store中名列前茅。 2019 年 季度下载量达 3300 万。超过YouTube、Instagram、WhatsApp、Messenger、Facebook等。
Tiktok overseas TikTok has been among the top five iOS App Store in the past quarter. 33 million downloads in the first quarter of 2019. More than youtube, instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, etc.
Sensor Tower预估,抖音及海外版TikTok全球累计新增用户将达到 12 亿,应用内购总收入达 9740 万美元,预计本月底将突破 1 亿美元大关。
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