ins买粉 Instagram周二宣布将放宽购物的限制

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - Instagram announced on Tuesday that it will open its shopping capabilities to a wider audience, allowing influential people and everyone in small Etsy stores to sell products from its profile page. As long as you have a personal account or an instagram account, you can use it from July to September.🟨🟧🟩🟦

数以百万计的0f Instagram用户将很快有资格进行购物,并将其帐户转换为小型企业。

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Instagram announced on Tuesday that it will open its shopping capabilities to a wider audience, allowing influential people and everyone in small Etsy stores to sell products from its profile page. As long as you have a personal account or an instagram account, you can use it from July to September.

值得注意的是,您必须申请并被接受才能利用这些Instagram Shopping功能。Instagram还放宽了资格要求。在此之前,Instagram要求帐户“主要”出售有形商品,并将其帐户连接到Facebook Page。根据新的要求,必须有合格的帐户来“代表”销售产品的网站-这意味着您的产品列表必须来自经过验证的网站,该网站已被确认为您既出售也拥有的域名。帐户还必须具有“证明的可信度”,Facebook说,“可能还包括维持足够的追随者基础”。


这是Instagram为将平台变成品牌,企业和影响者赚钱的 之地而采取的 新步骤。在2019年末发布的一项研究中,超过三分之一的被调查Instagram用户表示他们直接从平台上的可购买广告中购买了商品。近年来,各品牌争相使用Instagram来利用平台上的新电子商务功能,该平台拥有超过10亿用户,并且在Z世代中占有很大份额。

Instagram去年 取笑,它正在与有影响力的人和创作者一起测试其购物功能,使少数人能够链接到Stories中的产品以及其供稿中的帖子,并使用Checkout功能直接在应用程序中购买产品。

Instagram于2018年 亮相Shopping,是用户无需离开平台即可独家浏览,购买和订购品牌产品的方式。今年5月,Instagram添加了Shops,商店允许品牌商在其帐户中建立虚拟店面,以提供更轻松的购物体验。

Instagram made its debut in shopping in 2018. It is a way for users to browse, purchase and order brand products without leaving the platform. In May, instagram added shops, which allow brands to build virtual storefronts in their accounts to provide a more relaxed shopping experience.


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