ins买粉 Instagram将开始通过算法对提要进行排序

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 抱歉。我是恼火,当Facebook的做到了,我更加恼火,当Twitter的做到了,现在我要搬到500像素,现在的Instagram是做什么的。来吧,至少给用户选择打开或关闭此功能的选项。即使是Facebook,您也可以访问尽管隐藏了的“ 新新闻”。但是,此功能在Twitter上甚至没有意义。Twitter因其突发新闻的能力而倍受赞誉,如果他们开始根据“ 受欢迎”之类的信息对推文进行排序,那么他们就会朝着可怜的阿喀琉斯之heel射箭。🟨🟧🟩🟦



Instagram 自动赞

抱歉。我是恼火,当Facebook的做到了,我更加恼火,当Twitter的做到了,现在我要搬到500像素,现在的Instagram是做什么的。来吧,至少给用户选择打开或关闭此功能的选项。即使是Facebook,您也可以访问尽管隐藏了的“ 新新闻”。但是,此功能在Twitter上甚至没有意义。Twitter因其突发新闻的能力而倍受赞誉,如果他们开始根据“ 受欢迎”之类的信息对推文进行排序,那么他们就会朝着可怜的阿喀琉斯之heel射箭。

i 'm sorry. I'm annoyed. When Facebook does it, I'm even more annoyed. When twitter does it, now I'm moving to 500 pixels. What does instagram do now. Come on, at least give users the option to turn this feature on or off. Even on Facebook, you can access the "latest news" that is hidden. However, this feature doesn't even make sense on twitter. Twitter has been hailed for its ability to break news, and if they start ranking tweets based on "most popular" and so on, they will shoot arrows at poor Achilles' heel.

你可能会惊讶地发现人们平均错过了70%的提交。随着互联网的发展,跟上人们分享的所有照片和视频变得越来越困难。这意味着你通常看不到你 关心的帖子。为了改善你的体验,我们会尽快订购你的Feed,以显示我们认为你 关心的时刻。


如果您 喜欢的音乐家分享了昨晚音乐会的视频,那么无论您遵循多少帐户或居住的时区如何,当您醒来时它将等着您。当您的 好的朋友发布新小狗的照片时,您将不会错过。我们将花一些时间来解决这个问题,并听取您的反馈。在接下来的几个月中,您将看到这种新体验。”

If your favorite musician shared a video of last night's concert, no matter how many accounts you follow or what time zone you live in, it will be waiting for you when you wake up. When your best friend publishes a photo of a new puppy, you won't miss it. We will take some time to solve this problem and listen to your feedback. You'll see this new experience in the next few months. "


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