On November 8, 2011, the US Department of Commerce filed an anti-dumping and countervailing investigation on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells (whether assembled or not) originating in China. On October 17, 2012, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued an announcement to make the final determination of anti-dumping and countervailing on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells originating in China. On November 1, 2017, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued an announcement to initiate the first sunset review of anti-dumping and countervailing investigation on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells imported from China. On March 9, 2018, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that it would make the first affirmative final determination of countervailing sunset review on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells imported from China: if the current countervailing measures for the products involved were cancelled, the import of the products involved would continue or reoccur with a subsidy range of 18.2% ~ 19.41%; On March 12, 2018, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that it would make the first affirmative final decision of sunset anti-dumping review on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells imported from China: if the current anti-dumping measures were cancelled, the import of the products involved would continue or reoccur with a dumping margin of 249.96%.
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TikTok相较于Facebook、Twitter等来说,是一个相对来说比较新的社交媒体,但是近年来发展的势头非常强劲,截止到目前,月活跃人数已经超过了5亿,预计在未来这个数字还会持续的增长。快速的发展,让很多营销人员和企业都注意到了它,为了吸引年轻一代用户,跟上社交媒体的发展速度,很多企业开始纷纷试水TikTok营销。 …
今年早些时候Twitter推出了一个新的回复功能,在这个功能中,Twitter的回复会像Reddit等其它平台一样被串联起来,这样可以更容易的看到发表了评论,评论的内容是什么,但遗憾的是,并不是所有人都喜欢这个功能。 …
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以前,我们老讲Facebook营销该怎么做,如何发帖,帖子内容怎么写,如何与粉丝互动等等,这也确实是社媒营销应该掌握的东西。 …
现如今,Facebook不仅是一个一般的交友软件,也是出口外贸人扩展人际交往,开发设计潜在用户的关键方式。如果不应用Facebook,那麼大家将遗失一大部分客户资源。但是,假如实际操作不合理,Facebook非常容易会被封禁,Facebook被封禁的缘故有什么呢?应当怎样合理避免Facebook被封禁呢? …
创业公司如何做社群?这是来自 Instagram 的 8 条经验
对几乎所有的早期创始人而言,他们都希望成功地打造一个蓬勃发展、彼此关联并有着活跃用户的社群。这也是快速了解产品与市场匹配度的标志,还可以建立口碑相传的病毒式增长回圈,同时帮助企业打造一个以深入联系及线下联络而著名的品牌。 …
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各位好!,我是KiahWee,9月20日TikTok美区不关掉的喜讯刚落下来,这个星期又招来了2个大转变。 …