NYU Langone Health的放射学系正计划发布一个大规模数据集,其中包括超过150万张MRI膝关节图像,以不断努力使AI更快地进行MRI扫描。
该医疗中心于11月25日在芝加哥举行的年度RSNA会议上宣布了其数据集发布计划。该版本是该部门与Facebook AI Research(FAIR)进行的高级成像创新与研究中心(CAI2R)正在进行的合作项目的一部分,该项目称为fastMRI。根据新闻稿,这些实体希望通过该项目共享开源工具,这些工具将刺激AI系统的开发,以使MRI扫描“快10倍”。
The center announced its data set release plan at its annual RSNA conference in Chicago on November 25. This version is part of an ongoing collaborative project between the Department and the center for advanced imaging innovation and Research (cai2r) of Facebook AI research (fair), which is called fastmri. According to the press release, these entities hope to share open source tools through the project, which will stimulate the development of AI systems to make MRI scanning "10 times faster".
“我们希望这个具有里程碑意义的数据集的发布,这是有史以来最大的全采样MRI原始数据集合,将为研究人员提供克服加速MR成像固有的挑战所必需的工具,”医学博士Michael P.Recht,主席纽约大学朗根分校的放射学教授路易斯·马克思在一份声明中说。“这项工作不仅有可能帮助增加MR成像的获取机会,而且还可以改善全世界的患者护理。”
“这项合作致力于利用机器学习的优势以新方式重建高价值图像。放射学,神经科学和生理学教授,CAI2R主任Daniel K.Sodickson博士说:“我们不会从根本上改变现有图像来训练AI算法,而是从根本上改变医学图像的获取方式。”声明。“我们的目标不仅是借助AI增强数据挖掘,而且还为医学可视化创建新功能以造福人类健康。”
"This collaboration aims to take advantage of machine learning to reconstruct high-value images in new ways. Dr Daniel K. sodickson, Professor of Radiology, neuroscience and physiology and director of cai2r, said: "we will not fundamentally change the existing images to train AI algorithms, but fundamentally change the way medical images are acquired." Statement“ Our goal is not only to enhance data mining with AI, but also to create new functions for medical visualization for the benefit of human health. "