营销人员必看! 8种趋势塑造2021年Instagram营销|如何通过TikTok和海外用户取得联系?|Morketing Global出海日报8.06:TikTo


(36kr) according to the Q2 quarterly report of global smartphone market recently released by canalys, while Xiaomi holds the position of the world's fourth smartphone manufacturer, the shipment volume of smartphones in the European market rises against the trend. Xiaomi has become the fastest growing manufacturer in this market, with a market share of 17%, a year-on-year growth of 65%, and a growth rate of 116% in Western Europe. Among them, the market share in Spain continued to occupy the first place, reaching 37% in this quarter, with a year-on-year growth of 151%.




小米公司成立于2010年,是一家互联网科技公司,拥有通过物联网(IoT)平台连接的智能手机和智能硬件的产品组合。小米积极吸引客户开发其硬件,软件和互联网服务。这家全球智能手机提供商运营Facebook合作广告,目的是提高销售量和广告支出回报率,使其第三方商家之一的购买转化率提高31%。 …