Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)正式宣布,Facebook商店22日在该平台上推出。根据他在Facebook上的帖子,该倡议旨在帮助中小企业在线开设商店并直接在Facebook上出售其产品。换句话说,这将像和Shopee这样的工作,客户可以在其中查看产品,购买产品。
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg officially announced that the Facebook store will be launched on the platform on the 22nd. According to his Facebook post, the initiative aims to help small and medium-sized businesses open stores online and sell their products directly on Facebook. In other words, it's going to work like lazada and shopee, where customers can view products and buy products.
马克说,他说创建Facebook商店很容易(免费)。由于Facebook Shops直接位于平台上,因此您的商店很快就会出现在您的Facebook和Instagram帐户以及Messenger和WhatsApp上。说到其他帐户,Facebook计划集成一些功能来帮助人们发现中小企业,例如Instagram上的专用购物标签和新的Live Shopping功能,可让您实时购物。
Most importantly, the Facebook store will also use their own AI and augmented reality (AR) technology to help customers provide a shopping experience. For example, when customers click to buy something they like, the Facebook store can automatically identify and tag the products in their contributions. SMEs can also personalize their online stores, and by using AR, customers can actually try many products, such as sunglasses, household goods and other products, to see how they look to you before you buy them.
马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)希望通过Facebook Shops,可以帮助一些在这一大流行时期面临艰难经济时期的中小企业。