
第一,高度肯定凯文.梅耶尔在任职期间为Tik Tok所做的贡献,他认为凯文.梅耶尔在一个最具挑战性的时刻加入了我们。特别是在印度和美国的环境变化之下。同时其表示像我们这样这样快速发展的公司,要获得领导地位从来都不是一件容易的事情,而凯文.梅耶尔到来的时机使得这一切又变得更为复杂。

First of all, I highly appreciate the contribution that Kevin Mayer has made to Tik tok during his tenure. He thinks that Kevin Mayer has joined us at a most challenging time. Especially under the changing environment in India and the United States. At the same time, he said that it's never easy for a fast-growing company like ours to gain leadership, and the timing of Kevin Mayer's arrival makes it all more complicated.



DoNews10月10日消息,据外媒报道,Instagram已经开始测试利用人工智能技术开始自动屏蔽可能存在的攻击性评论,作为网络霸凌解决方案的一部分。 …