Looking back to 2018, the highest time of daily flow of APP purchase is December 26, the first day after Christmas. On the same day, the revenue from in app purchase reached $216000, an increase of 102% compared with the daily average of the week before Christmas. December's revenue will continue last year's trend and is expected to reach a record high.
Sensor Tower广告情报平台最新增加了TikTok上的广告投放情报。以11月美国iOS平台Top20手游广告主为例,投放量最大的是Epic Game于11月新推出的卡通英雄RPG手游《Battle Breakers》。
The sensor tower advertising intelligence platform has recently added advertising intelligence on tiktok. Take the advertisers of top 20 mobile games on the US IOS platform in November as an example, the most popular mobile game is the RPG mobile game "little breakers", a cartoon hero newly launched by epic game in November.
从游戏数量上来看,目前在美区TikTok买量以超休闲游戏为主,其中德国厂商 Popcore 的产品最多,达到4款, 法国厂商 Voodoo 和土耳其厂商 SayGames 各有3款。
中国手游则有掌游天下《Rusty Blower 3D》,猎豹移动《砖块消消消》,以及网易《明日之后》。