自 3 月 Instagram 购物功能在更多国家/地区开放以来,全球商家得以在 Instagram 以一种极具沉浸感的新颖方式与客户建立联系,获得更多展示商品的机会,消费者也能够发现自己喜爱的品牌。6 月,我们宣布与一小部分商家合作,测试在 Instagram 快拍中引入购物功能。
Since the opening of instagram shopping function in more countries / regions in March, businesses around the world have been able to establish contact with customers in an immersive and novel way in instagram, get more opportunities to display products, and consumers can also find their favorite brands. In June, we announced to cooperate with a small number of businesses to test the introduction of shopping function in instagram snapshot.
目前,我们已面向所有获批使用 Instagram 购物功能的商家开放快拍购物功能,并开始在探索版块内测试购物频道。
在美国,42% 受访的 Instagram 女性用户表示自己热爱购物,将购物视为一种爱好。
为了让用户在 Instagram 快拍中购物更便捷,我们开发了允许商家在快拍中添加商品贴图的功能,让他们能轻松将商品整合到快拍内容中。使用 Instagram 快拍的消费者数量快速增长,其中使用此功能的日活跃帐户数已超过 4 亿。凭借其沉浸式的全屏体验,快拍赢得了用户喜爱。而在观看量最多的快拍中,有三分之一来自于商家。现在,获准使用购物功能的商家能在这个购物空间以富有感染力的方式吸引更多客户。
In addition to opening the product mapping function in the snapshot to more businesses, we are also testing the shopping theme channel of the exploration section. According to the specific shopping interests of each user, the shopping channel will show them the shopping posts of many businesses they may like, so as to facilitate them to find new businesses. The shopping channel of the discovery section is still in testing and will be launched globally in the next few weeks.