At the moment, Microsoft Corp tiktok is likely to eventually buy overseas version, but things suddenly turn a corner. Twitter has already issued a statement saying it has started contract negotiations with TikTok. For twitter, the acquisition of tiktok can solve many of its problems, but it may have a slight impact on the negotiation in terms of capital. Twitter has concluded preliminary talks with tiktok, and the deal will involve some of its business models. Twitter believes it is unlikely to face large-scale censorship because it is smaller than other competitors.
但是,这一尝试成功的几率不高。相比于微软的资金,推特在这一点上还是太薄弱了。双方的交易金额相差巨大,如果你还是不太相信的话,那这组数据会告诉你资产差距到底有多大。微软用于现金和短期投资的预算为1360亿美元,这一数值是Twitter 303.5亿美元总市值的四倍还要多一点。Twitter目前手头上的资金数量恐怕难以完成这一交易。截至今年第二季度末,Twitter目前可流动资金约为78亿美元,而且不要忘记自身背负着的34亿美元的债务。
But the good news is that there's a reason for the idea that Twitter, and maybe stocks, could make the deal work. Let tiktok's investors take a stake in both companies at the same time. Twitter's book cash is only $7.8 billion, and tiktok's parent company is under enormous political pressure to sell at this particular time. US President Trump's remarks a few days ago and a series of actions of the US government have given a deadline for the acquisition. Trump also said he expected the U.S. government to receive a large portion of tiktok's offer price. Tiktok will formally file a lawsuit on Trump's ban on Tuesday, sources said. Although Twitter is likely to acquire tiktok, the specific transaction amount will not be low.