反向工程师Jane Manchun Wong于八月首次发现了此功能,社交媒体顾问Matt Navara共享了此功能的屏幕截图。如果某条推文具有“观鸟”音符,则旁边会出现一个小双目图标。您可以点击此图标以阅读有关该推文的注释。下拉菜单下还有一个“添加到Birdwatch”选项,以及其他操作,例如阻止或报告推文。
Reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong first discovered the feature in August, and social media consultant Matt Navara shared a screenshot of the feature. If a tweet has a bird watching note, a small binocular icon appears next to it. You can click this icon to read the comments about the tweet. There is also an "add to birdwatch" option under the drop-down menu, as well as other actions, such as blocking or reporting tweets.
根据提供的屏幕截图,用户可以为其推文创建Birdwatch笔记,其他人可以阅读。在侧边栏菜单的“时刻”部分下还有一个“Birdwatch Notes”部分。用户可以在此处跟踪其Birdwatch笔记。最初,Birdwatch功能似乎仅限于事实检查者,但看起来所有用户都可以在推文中添加注释。
According to the screen capture provided, users can create birdwatch notes for their tweets, which can be read by others. There is also a "birdwatch notes" section under the "moments" section of the sidebar menu. Users can track their birdwatch notes here. Initially, the birdwatch function seemed to be limited to fact checkers, but it seemed that all users could add comments to tweets.