根据市场研究机构Sensor Tower发布的最新数据显示,TikTok 5月全球下载量超1.19亿次,当月营收超9570万美元(约合人民币6.8亿),为全球非游戏类APP下载量和营收的双冠军。
数据显示,2020年5月,TikTok在全球App Store和Google Play的下载量达到1.19亿次,成为全球下载量最大的非游戏类APP,是去年同期的两倍。其中印度下载量占比达20%,成为TikTok下载最大市场;美国占比9.3%,位居第二。
According to the data, in May 2020, the number of downloads of tiktok in the global app store and Google play reached 119 million times, becoming the largest non Game App in the world, double that of the same period last year. India accounted for 20% of the total downloads, making it the largest market for tiktok downloads; The United States accounted for 9.3%, ranking second.
At the same time, tiktok's total revenue in May exceeded 95.7 million US dollars (about 680 million yuan), 10.6 times that of last May, and won the top of the global mobile application revenue list. About 89% of the revenue comes from central Europe; The United States and Turkey contributed 6.2% and 1.2% respectively. Tiktok ranked first in April with $78 million in revenue, and third in March and February.