As an example, if we target professionals, we will always choose LinkedIn, while we extend Facebook pages and groups to many niche groups. At the same time, tiktok's enjoyment for its 10 to 19 year olds is growing exponentially.
TikTok的增长更多是因为受到名人粉丝的追捧,在此之后,像吉米·法伦(Jimmy Fallon)这样的人开始在Tiktok上发起#tumbleweedchallenge之类的挑战,获得了很多参赛作品,从而吸引了数百万的观看次数。TikTok挑战是宣传品牌和活动的重要支柱,因为它们显示了相关组织和企业所推动的产品或服务的相关性。
Tiktok's added monitoring function can check some uncivilized behaviors online, so it makes marketers an excellent way to promote their brands. Brand promotion through tiktok is an effective medium to obtain the maximum return with the least investment. These tag campaigns only involve related celebrities or Internet Celebrities, and also push messages that will spread online.