该应用的 "Duet"和 "Stitch"功能允许用户转发和回复他人的视频,但这些功能对16岁以下用户所拍的视频无效,下载该年龄以下用户视频的功能也将被禁用。
For users aged 16 to 17, tiktok will disable the ability to download their videos by default, and limit duet and stitch functions to only their friends. This series of adjustments will make young users on tiktok more vulnerable to protection. In general, these users can still use tiktok like others, but the app is doing more to protect these users and their videos from the influence of the whole community.
这一切都比TikTok的前身处理儿童账户的方式有了实质性的转变。TikTok不得不在2019年支付570万美元以解决旧应用Musical.ly未能获得13岁以下儿童家长批准的指控。TikTok现在还有一个单独的应用体验,名为 "TikTok for Younger Users",只展示经过挑选的视频。
All this is a substantial change from the way tiktok's predecessor handled children's accounts. Tiktok will have to pay $5.7 million in 2019 to settle the charge that the old app music.ly failed to get approval from parents of children under the age of 13. Tiktok now has a separate app experience called "tiktok for young users", which shows only selected videos.