"When we launch QR code support in Japan, we want to provide an easy way for people to discover and connect with new friends and new things," a Facebook spokesman said in a statement sent to pcmag via email "Now, as companies around the world reopen their geographic locations and expand their digital businesses to meet the needs of their customers, we want to provide them with a way to connect with users and non users. Scanning QR codes and connecting to do business digitally on instagram will allow people to check updated business hours, buy goods or services, and often seek more information. "
如The Verge报道,可通过任何股票拍摄者(包括iPhone或Pixel手机)访问QR代码,这是一种更加用户友好的方法来处理2018年的Nametags(只能通过应用程序的内部摄像头进行扫描)。快速响应(QR)代码是90年代中期为日本汽车工业设计的,是机器可读的光学标签,其中包含指向网站或应用程序的定位器,标识符或跟踪器的数据,在这种情况下,Instagram个人资料。
As reported by the verge, QR code can be accessed by any stock photographer (including iPhone or pixel mobile phone), which is a more user-friendly way to deal with nametags in 2018 (which can only be scanned through the app's internal camera). The quick response (QR) code was designed for the Japanese automotive industry in the mid-1990s. It's a machine-readable optical tag that contains data pointing to the locator, identifier or tracker of a website or application. In this case, instagram personal data.