



It's easy to use and seamlessly transfers all your photos and videos from Facebook to Google albums. To use the tool, open Facebook's desktop or mobile site and go to the main settings. On the desktop site, click the "your Facebook info" tab, and then select "transfer a copy of a photo or video.". In the next step, enter the password, and then select Google albums from the drop-down menu. Enter your Google password and grant permission to complete the operation. You have to scroll down on the "Facebook settings" section to access the main Facebook site. The remaining steps remain unchanged.


It's worth noting that if you share a lot of photos and videos on Facebook, the transmission process is not fast and takes a lot of time. The active section will show it as "pending" before the transfer starts, and then "in progress" when the photo / video is transferred. When the process is complete, you will receive an email from Facebook informing you of the same situation. The transferred photos and videos will be displayed in Google albums under an album called "copy of [Facebook album name]".