现在,一些与Facebook拥有公司合作以充实此功能的Instagram影响者和组织的个人资料中都包含指南。美国自杀预防基金会( afspnational)就是其中之一。打开参与帐户并点击其故事下方的新小册子状图标时,可以查看指南。这些指南似乎类似于网页文章,可以通过链接共享,也可以通过消息直接与Instagram朋友共享。
Now, some instagram influencers and organizations that work with Facebook owned companies to augment this feature include guides in their profiles. The American Foundation for suicide prevention is one of them. When you open a participating account and click on the new brochure icon below its story, you can view the guide. These guides seem to be similar to web articles, which can be shared through links or messages directly with instagram friends.
其他的Instagram账户参与,并有导游被 heads_together, vitaalere, klicksafe, headspace_aus, deepikapadukone, sudahdong和 eenfance。正如Instagram所指出的那样,在查看指南时,用户可以看到创建者策划的视频材料和帖子,以及有关一系列健康主题的有用提示和建议。在指南中点击图片或视频将导致其原始Instagram帖子的发布。尽管该功能目前关注个人福祉,但Instagram似乎计划在以后扩展此功能及其主题。
We know that many people are struggling with the cowid-19 pandemic, so we focus on health first. During this time, we will enable creators to connect with expert organizations to share resources, including tips on how to take care of their own well-being, keep in touch with others, or manage anxiety or sadness. "