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相信大家对网易这家公司并不陌生,其推出的《第五人格》、《阴阳师》等游戏在年轻群体中掀起了一阵热潮,经过20多年的发展,网易现已成为全球最大的互联网和电子游戏公司之一。该公司不仅参与了中国的一些互联网基础设施建设,还制作了多款大热的PC在线游戏和移动游戏。除了开发原创游戏外,网易还将多款在国际上广受欢迎的在线游戏引入了中国市场。除此之外,其出海表现也非常亮眼,此前,网易联手网络红人通过Facebook Live开直播,成功地在提升广告表现的同时,将旗下多人联机在线竞技游戏《漫威:超级之战》的单次应用安装费用降低了50%。
I believe you are no stranger to NetEase. Its "fifth personality", "Yin Yang teacher" and other games set off a boom among young people. After more than 20 years of development, Netease has become one of the largest Internet and video game companies in the world. The company not only participated in some Internet infrastructure construction in China, but also produced a number of popular PC online games and mobile games. In addition to developing original games, Netease has also introduced a number of internationally popular online games into the Chinese market. In addition, its performance at sea is also very impressive. Previously, Netease, together with Internet Celebrities, launched a live broadcast through Facebook live, successfully improving its advertising performance and reducing the single application installation cost of its multiplayer online competitive game Marvel: super battle by 50%.
在此次出海营销中,网易使用到的脸书产品工具主要是Facebook Live,能够通过强大的即时视频拉近与粉丝的关系。这次营销活动帮助网易发掘了一大批传统营销方法无法触达的玩家。接下来,网易将继续为《漫威:超级之战》的发布开展大规模的宣传,通过与关键意见领袖更积极的合作来获取更多玩家。
In this sea marketing, the Facebook product tool used by Netease is mainly Facebook live, which can shorten the relationship with fans through powerful real-time video. This marketing campaign helps Netease find a large number of players that traditional marketing methods can't reach. Next, Netease will continue to carry out large-scale publicity for the release of "Marvel: Super war" and obtain more players through more active cooperation with key opinion leaders.
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