Facebook推出Business Suite:帮企业更轻松打理Instagram等账号


社交网络巨头Facebook今天推出了一款全新应用程序--Facebook Business Suite,从而帮助企业更轻松管理Facebook,Instagram和Messenger的页面和个人资料。

Social networking giant Facebook today launched a new app, the Facebook business suite, to help businesses manage Facebook, instagram and messenger pages and profiles more easily.



要使用新的应用程序,企业首先需要链接他们的Facebook和Instagram业务帐户。登录Facebook后,可以在桌面上访问Business.facebook.com的Business Suite。在移动端,现有Pages Manager App的用户将看到一个加入Business Suite的选项。



Facebook表示,最初打造Facebook Business Suite时,首先考虑的是小企业的需求,因为很多企业被流行病逼得不得不寻找新的方式来接触客户和在线销售。不过,长期计划是打造出一套所有企业都能使用的工具,包括大型企业。

Facebook said that when it first built the Facebook business suite, the first consideration was the needs of small businesses, because many companies were forced by the epidemic to find new ways to reach customers and sell online. However, the long-term plan is to create a set of tools that can be used by all enterprises, including large enterprises.