一年半前,Epic Games推出了《堡垒之夜》手游的Android客户端。然而或许是因为分成问题没谈妥,该公司迟迟未能让它登陆Google Play这个“官方发布渠道”。期间,玩家们只能通过访问Epic Games网站的方式获取安装包。相比之下,iOS用户一直能够通过苹果App Store来轻松获取资源。
A year and a half ago, Epic Games launched the Android client for the fortress night mobile game. However, perhaps because the issue of sharing has not been settled, the company has not been able to log it into Google play, the "official release channel". During this period, players can only get the installation package by visiting Epic Games website. In contrast, IOS users have been able to easily access resources through the Apple App store.
然而让人疑惑的是,Epic今日透露,他们最终决定通过Google Play来发布Android版《堡垒之夜》手游客户端。
问题在于,此前Epic Games一直将自己描绘称“开放生态的大力支持者”,那现在为何又改变主意,向Google Play低头了呢?
Epic Games补充道:“我们希望Google在不久的将来修改其业务政策,以便所有开发者都能够自由地通过开放式服务,与Android和Play商店上的客户进行交易,包括可在公平环境下竞争的支付服务”。
Epic Games added: "we hope Google will revise its business policy in the near future so that all developers are free to trade with customers on Android and play stores through open services, including payment services that can compete in a fair environment.".
截至目前,玩家仍可通过Epic官网下载《堡垒之夜》的Android手游客户端。但在Google Play上查找的时候,还请留意开发商是否为“Epic Games,Inc”,否则可能不小心遇到李鬼。