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新浪科技讯 北京时间9月10日早间消息,Facebook向美国国会参议员提供了一份清单,表示最初为其加密货币Libra(天秤币)提供支持的一篮子货币很可能将包括美元、欧元、日元、英镑和新加坡元等。
Facebook通过这份清单回应了弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员马克·沃纳(Mark Warner)担心的一个问题,也就是中国可能会推动“天秤币协会”(Libra Association)将人民币纳入支持这种所谓“稳定币”的货币篮子中。目前,Facebook正在和20多个合作伙伴联手开发这种加密货币。沃纳表示,中国鼓励各国政府将人民币纳入外汇储备,他要求Facebook承诺将人民币排除在支持Libra的货币篮子之外。
With the list, Facebook responded to a concern from Virginia Democratic Senator Mark Warner that China might push the Libra association to include the yuan in the basket of currencies that support the so-called "stable currency.". Currently, Facebook is working with more than 20 partners to develop the cryptocurrency. Warner said China encouraged governments to include the yuan in their foreign exchange reserves, and he asked Facebook to commit to excluding the yuan from the currency basket that supports Libra.
就推出这种数字货币的计划而言,Facebook和天秤币协会面临着来自国会议员和监管机构的强烈抵制。今年7月,在参议院银行委员会和众议院金融服务委员会召开的听证会上,与会议员们就此计划对Facebook高管大卫·马库斯(David Marcus)进行了盘问,他们担心该公司在隐私和数据安全方面存在一些问题,因此不适合这个项目。
Facebook and Libra are facing strong resistance from members of Congress and regulators over plans to launch the digital currency. In July, at a hearing held by the Senate Banking Committee and the House Financial Services Committee, members of the Congress questioned Facebook executive David Marcus about the plan. They were worried that the company had some problems with privacy and data security, so it was not suitable for the project.
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