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在印度 App Store 和 Google Play 下架近2周之后,字节跳动旗下 TikTok (《抖音》海外版)终于在其用户规模 大的海外市场重新登陆应用商店。Sensor Tower 商店情报数据显示,按照原来的发展趋势,4月 TikTok 在印度市场的新增用户规模本该创历史新高,但该禁令无疑对 TikTok 带来重大打击。
Nearly 2 weeks after the tiktok of App Store and Google Play in India, the TikTok of the byte beating TikTok (overseas version) has finally relocated to the app store in the largest overseas market. According to the intelligence data of sensor tower store, according to the original development trend, the number of new users of tiktok in the Indian market in April should have reached a record high, but the ban undoubtedly brought a major blow to tiktok.
根据 TikTok 历史数据和Sensor Tower预测数据,我们预计印度封禁期间,TikTok 在当地 App Store 和 Google Play 至少损失了1500万新增用户,相当于该应用2018年4月新增用户量的3倍。受此影响,4月《抖音》和海外版 TikTok 在全球的新增用户预估环比减少33% (3月其全球新增将近6000万)。在禁令实施之前,根据发展趋势4月 TikTok 在印度市场有望获得3300万新增,若无意外这将超越去年12月创下的新高。
尽管在印度市场遇到急刹车,得益于 TikTok 在当地的用户规模和受欢迎程度,我们预估该应用的新增用户将快速恢复。在禁令解除后,TikTok 已迅速回归印度App Store下载量TOP10,在摄影和录像类排名第1,在综合下载榜排名第6。Google Play方面,目前该应用排在综合下载榜第131名,且在快速回升中。
Despite the hard brake in the Indian market, thanks to tiktok's local user size and popularity, we expect new users of the app to recover quickly. After the lifting of the ban, tiktok has rapidly returned to the top 10 app store downloads in India, ranking first in photography and video category and sixth in the comprehensive download list. As for Google play, the app is ranked 131st in the comprehensive download list, and it is recovering rapidly.
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