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🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 根据数据显示,受访者更青睐于通过社交媒体购买美容产品(89%)和保健产品(42%),而不是实体店(35%)。在新冠疫情的影响下,84%的受访者表示过去一年社交媒体的使用频率和影响力有了显著增长。- tiktok买粉丝网- 刷粉自助平台,让你的社交媒体账号粉丝涨不停🟨🟧🟩🟦

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获悉,根据近期对Bazaarvoice的Influenster在线产品评论社区成员的一项调查,过去12个月在TikTok (+567%)、Twitter (+300%)和Pinterest (+250%)等社交媒体平台上购物的消费者数量急剧增加。一年前 网购天堂还是品牌 (+77%)其次是Instagram (+54%),现已完全被TikTok取代。




Over 50% of the participants expressed that their purchasing decisions could be influenced on occasions when considering unfamiliar brands promoted on social media platforms. Of the respondents, 73% recently made a purchase of a new brand through social media, while 55% opted for a new brand over the one they typically purchased. Affordable followers for the American version of TikTok are available.



  •  消费者的需求/愿望 (50%)

  •  产品优势/特性/成分 (49%)

  •  价格(29%)


The data shows that respondents are more willing to buy beauty products (89%) and health care products (42%) from social media than from physical stores (35%). Influenced by COVID-19, 84% of the respondents said that the use frequency and influence of social media have greatly increased in the past year.美国版抖音 followers for cheap

✎   Estella/



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