ins买粉 Instagram推出新产品Reels,对标TikTok

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 不得不提的是,TikTok正面临着国外监管机构有关隐私、安全和审查问题的一系列调查,包括美国 安全评估。无论Reels能否成功挤占TikTok在巴西的市场份额,现在肯定是TikTok的竞争者出手的好时机。- tiktok买粉丝网- 刷粉自助平台,让你的社交媒体账号粉丝涨不停🟨🟧🟩🟦

据TechCrunch报道,Instagram于11月12日推出了TikTok的对标产品Reels, 鼓励用户录制15秒钟的视频并进行简单剪辑,背景音乐可以是视频原声,也可以来自Instagram的音乐库,或者引用其他视频中的音频,完美复制了TikTok的核心功能“ Duet”。

Instagram launched tiektok's benchmarking product reels on November 12, techcrunch reported,   Users are encouraged to record a 15 second video and simply edit it. The background music can be the original sound of the video, or it can come from instagram's music library, or it can refer to the audio in other videos, which perfectly copies tiktok's core function "duet".

Reels支持iOS和Android系统,目前仅在巴西推广,是否会扩展到其他 和地区还是个未知数。



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去年,Facebook发布的Lasso被看做是 TikTok的克隆版,但这款产品的表现不尽人意,用户下载量远低于预期。


不得不提的是,TikTok正面临着国外监管机构有关隐私、安全和审查问题的一系列调查,包括美国 安全评估。无论Reels能否成功挤占TikTok在巴西的市场份额,现在肯定是TikTok的竞争者出手的好时机。

It has to be mentioned that tiktok is facing a series of investigations by foreign regulators on privacy, security and censorship issues, including the US national security assessment. No matter whether reels can successfully squeeze tiktok's market share in Brazil, now is definitely a good time for tiktok's competitors to take action.

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