🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 我12年的外贸经历,自学外贸从菜鸟到雇佣老外(起死回生)- tiktok买粉丝网- ins涨粉|ins买粉|ins买赞|ins刷粉丝|ins买粉丝|ins 买 粉|ins 买粉|ig 买粉丝 刷粉自助平台,让你的社交媒体账号粉丝涨不停🟨🟧🟩🟦
我做了大约2个月的时候基本掌握了报价规则,我尝试着计算单个产品利润,结果我发现F的订单基本上都是亏损的。我非常惊讶,我怕我搞错了。我和工厂的老板说了我的疑惑(老板和A是股东关系),这间接导致了股东拆伙。2017年夏天我离开的时候,我从中明白了一个道理,工厂的管理费是一个非常有弹性的成本,因为经过两年的大量亏损订单 后结账的时候竟然是零而不是负数.
至于为什么几乎有所的单价都是亏损的,那就牵扯到工厂的另外一个股东G. G和A一样也从来不来我工作的工厂而是另外有一个工厂。G是报错了价格还是故意这么做我到今天也不知道。但是那件事以后A每天心情都不是很好,A和G也有了隔阂,于是A搬到了我在的工厂来办公。
As for why almost all the unit prices are at a loss, it involves another shareholder of the factory. G. g and a never come to the factory where I work, but there is another factory. I still don't know whether g quoted the wrong price or did it deliberately. But after that, a was not in a good mood every day, and there was a gap between a and G, so a moved to my factory to work.
2006年底,H的贸易公司有一些货下给我在的工厂做,H经常来工厂监督质量. H对于各种工艺和原料的烂熟于心加上他十年在大公司的从业经验使A不禁开始考虑价格真的那么差劲吗?一个做业务的天生的骄傲在此时让他非常多疑。为什么工厂不关闭呢或者没有更早察觉到呢,或者里面还有什么猫腻?一次次的查账和会议让股东间的信任每况愈下。A于是开始试探H的能力以及意愿。H似乎也很想脱离原来的股东,经过他的价格测算以后告诉A如果让他来操盘,不会像现在的工厂一般,利润薄了点而已。A知道H只是故意这么说让他有面子,单价过低是不争的事实。如果一个业务不能为公司带来利润而是靠着工厂亏损接订单简直是对业务能力的侮辱,A在2007年夏天决心和H一起办工厂证明给其他股东看不是客人很烂而是他们工厂管理的不好。A问我是否愿意入股一起办工厂,我答应了。
At the end of 2006, h's trading company had some goods for my factory. H often came to the factory to supervise the quality. H's proficiency in various processes and raw materials and his ten years of working experience in large companies made a start to think about whether the price was really so bad? A natural pride in doing business makes him very suspicious at this time. Why didn't the factory close, or didn't you notice it earlier, or was there anything fishy in it? The audit and meeting made the trust between shareholders worse and worse. A then began to test h's ability and willingness. H also seems to want to break away from the original shareholder. After his price calculation, he told a that if he was allowed to handle the market, it would not be as thin as the current factory. A knows that h just said this on purpose to make him face. It is an indisputable fact that the unit price is too low. If a business can not bring profits to the company, but rely on the loss of the factory to take orders, it is an insult to the business ability. A decided to run the factory with h in the summer of 2007, which proved to other shareholders that it is not the poor guests but the poor management of their factory. A asked me if I would like to take a stake in running a factory together, and I agreed.
2007夏天到2008年春天,大约10个月的时间是我度过的 漫长的时间,A亏损了300多万,H黯然离开。
2007年夏天的时候D客人给我带来了一个重要的意大利客人J. 这个客人是我见到的素质 差,口气 牛X,是我 讨厌的客人,我每次回邮件的时候都要诅咒他全家。这个客人给我一个启示就是不尊重我的客人,也不值得我服务。后来我遇到情商特别低的客人的时候我直接结束合作,赚钱也是要讲尊严的。
办工厂的一年给了我几个教训。 :做自己不擅长的事情是要付出代价的,不加控制有时候代价会超过想象。第二:做工厂看起来是赚了同时工厂和贸易的利润,但是工贸公司在面对客人压价的时候往往更容易让步。
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