ins买粉 Twitter让所有用户在iOS上限制其他人回复推文

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Twitter的iOS应用更新后,所有用户都可以设置限制,决定谁可以回复自己的推文。自5月以来,Twitter一直在试验这项功能,但现在似乎正在更广泛地推出。"5月份,我们测试了一种新的聊天方式,可以准确地与你想要的人进行聊天,这样你就可以营造一个更有意义的变化,"App Store上的更新文字说。"现在,每个人都可以尝试这个新功能,并选择谁可以回复他们的推文。"

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To use this feature, users only need to click on a box at the top of the keyboard when writing a tweet, which says "everyone can reply.". Then, they can choose from three options: everyone can reply to their own tweets, only the people they follow can reply, and only the people they mention can reply. It should be noted that the selected rule is limited to this tweet, and one option will not make it the default option for future tweets.

该功能是Twitter近几个月来比较有趣的变化之一,它创造了新的备忘录形式的推文,并改变了平台上的对话方式,也可以成为避免骚扰的好方法。但也由用户表示限制对话的方式让人感觉有悖于Twitter 基本的功能。

This function is one of the more interesting changes of twitter in recent months. It creates new tweets in the form of memos, changes the way of dialogue on the platform, and can also be a good way to avoid harassment. But it's also said by users that the way in which conversations are restricted makes people feel that it goes against the most basic functions of twitter.


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