🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 对于FacebookCEO扎克伯格的态度,我们经历了复杂的转变。- tiktok买粉丝网- ins买粉丝|ins 买 粉|ins 买粉|ig 买粉丝|ins涨粉|ins买粉|ins买赞|ins刷粉丝 刷粉自助平台,让你的社交媒体账号粉丝涨不停🟨🟧🟩🟦
开始,扎克伯格为了进入 市场,刻意塑造出“ 好女婿”的形象,有一个华裔妻子,在多种场合秀中文。应该说,很长一段时间,大部分 人对其的印象都是比较友好的。
在发现进入 市场没有希望之后,扎克伯格就彻底露出商人的本性。而且,其立场转变之快、态度之坚决,还是让人们有些意外和惊讶。在美国几大科技巨头CEO接受反垄断质询的时候,只有扎克伯格诬陷 窃取其知识产权,而且说 科技公司是对美国的威胁,“渣男”本质暴露无遗。
After finding that there is no hope to enter the Chinese market, Zuckerberg thoroughly revealed the nature of a businessman. What's more, people are surprised at the speed of its position change and its resolute attitude. When the CEOs of several major technology giants in the United States accepted the antitrust inquiry, only Zuckerberg framed China for stealing its intellectual property rights, and said that Chinese technology companies were a threat to the United States, and the essence of "scum man" was exposed.
但是, 近事情似乎又出现了一些反转。
8月7日,据BuzzFeedNews报道,扎克伯格告诉员工,在美国封杀颤音海外版TikTok将创造非常糟糕的长期先例。扎克伯格说:我只是认为这是一个非常糟糕的先例。无论解决方案是什么,我都必须特别小心和认真对待它。我真的很担心...这可能会对世界上其他 产生长期影响。
,为了挽回一些声誉。美国这次强制收购TikTok,在 道义上是站不住脚的,肯定会受到广泛的关注。扎克伯格无疑是做了帮凶,其形象必然受到一定的损失,尤其是在 民众中的形象可谓跌入谷底。扎克伯格这次表态,有点往回找补的意思,修复一下糟糕的形象。毕竟,在互联网圈,这样助纣为虐、赤裸裸破坏市场公平的行为,是要被大家所不齿的。
第二,嘴上示好,是为了掩盖其针对TikTok更坚决打击的实际行动。虽然嘴上示好,但Facebook抄袭TikTok的行动可一点都没。8月5日,Facebook在美国、印度、巴西、英国、德国等50多个 和地区推出了TikTok的像素级复制产品——Instagram Reels,在安卓和iOS系统同时上线。明显是想乘着字节跳动无暇他顾的时候,快速抢占短视频应用的全球市场。
Third, banning tiktok is indeed a dangerous precedent in the world, and it may also be used on Facebook. Any country is concerned about its data sovereignty, not just the United States. Especially in European countries, the anti-monopoly investigation of several major Internet giants in the United States has never been interrupted. Since the United States can use the reason of threatening national security to wantonly seize the Internet apps of other countries, why can't other countries use the same reason to do the same to American Internet companies? As soon as this precedent is set, will European countries, Russia and Middle East countries, in the same way, require Facebook operating in the country to be forcibly sold to local Internet companies? This makes sense, at least logically and morally.
[tiktok买粉丝网] https://www.3ytv.com所以,近期扎克伯格的发言,并不是真心要为TikTok鸣不平,他只是在释放烟雾弹,寻求自身利益 大化而已。
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