ins买粉 如何用Twitter营销效果最好?你必须知道

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过去几年,Twitter通过帮助众多 企业拓展了更多的海外业务,并取得了显著成绩。向我们交除了一份满意的答卷。许多外贸商家也纷纷将目光转移到Twitter营销。


2.我们要利用follow功能在短时间follow到更多的人,可以使用国外的Twitteradder这个工具,是免费的,这个里面只需要输入你的Twitter账户密码,然后嘛可以一次跟踪20个好友,打开多个窗口就可以follow更多的人。例如,如果一次打开5个窗口,一次就可以follow100人, 可以follow10次那就相当于follow1000人。即使只有100人跟轮流follow你,一个月内也会有成千上万的人follow你,如果还不够可以注册更多账号。

2. We need to use the follow function to follow more people in a short time. We can use the foreign twitteradder tool, which is free. In this tool, you only need to enter your twitter account password, and then you can track 20 friends at a time. You can follow more people by opening multiple windows. For example, if you open five windows at a time, you can follow 100 people at a time, and you can follow 10 times a day, that's equivalent to following 1000 people. Even if only 100 people follow you in turn, thousands of people will follow you in a month. If it's not enough, you can register more accounts.

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三、Twitter营销还可以借助名人效应来吸引粉丝你可以利用国外Twitter上的名人,比如ladygaga,在她发推的 时间回复,以后会有很多回复。你们在前面,每次你们在前面,都会有很多人跟着你们。

4.使用Twitter的搜索功能,现在twitter内部搜索结果是按时间排序的只要你是 新的,你将在相关关键字的顶部如果你不断更新一个关键词,你将在Twitter搜索的顶部。此外,谷歌的搜索结果开始合并Twitter的结果。这样,只要你的twitter是 新的,并且包含关键词,在其他人更新之前,你就会出现在twitter的前面,并显示在google主页上。twitter代表实时搜索,google则将实时搜索的结果考虑在内。

5.你可以在twitter上发起活动,当然这种活动应该要能够吸引Twitter用户,让他们积极参与,吸引他们的 实际的方法是有一定的回报。










At this stage, the user base of Twitter is close to 330 million. Developing SNS marketing mode of twitter marketing can bring traffic beyond SEO promotion to your website, increase the diversity of website traffic, reduce website operation risk, bring community interaction and word-of-mouth to your website, increase the trust of target users to your website, and then improve the overall conversion rate of the website. It's very important to optimize your twitter home page on the mobile end! After all, the practicality of the mobile terminal is much more convenient than that of the computer terminal, and the utilization rate is also higher.

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