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[tiktok买粉丝网] https://www.3ytv.com能采购亚洲商品的客户,绝大多数(90%以上)都是对产品价位低,进而形成合理的性价比产生兴趣,所以客户对亚洲产品的质量问题关注度不会太高,所以对客户强调质量如何过关,意义并不大,如果客户是在意质量的人,那么直接就订欧美货了,再发几万封开发信也毫无意义,因此,能在开发信发出后,客户没有回应后,能发出降价邮件,是非常有效的再吸引客户策略。
The vast majority (more than 90%) of customers who can purchase Asian products are interested in the low price of products, thus forming a reasonable cost performance. Therefore, customers will not pay too much attention to the quality of Asian products. Therefore, it is of little significance to emphasize how to pass the quality to customers. If customers are people who care about quality, they will directly order European and American goods, It is meaningless to send tens of thousands of more development letters. Therefore, it is a very effective strategy to attract customers again to send price reduction emails after the development letter is sent and the customers do not respond.
Conclusion: after the development letter is sent, if the customer does not reply, remember not to send another development letter with other contents in a short time, which makes the customer feel forced to sell. If it is not sent, sending the development letter again is better than sending the development letter with other contents, because the customer's memory will be enhanced after the second development letter is sent. If there is room for maneuver, Customers will be interested.
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