ins买粉 传Facebook将推多款独占VR游戏 包括《刺客信条》

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - Facebook于2014年以20亿美元收购了Oculus,表明了对VR的支持。当时Oculus尚未发布 终产品,而VR仍只是实验性质的媒介。目前,VR正变得更加普遍,但尚未成为主流。虽然Oculus的高层进行了重组,但此前的几款游戏也取得了成功。因此,Facebook决定进一步押注VR游戏也并不出人意料。🟨🟧🟩🟦



新浪科技讯 北京时间7月11日早间消息,Facebook希望通过收购游戏工作室,以及获得知名游戏VR版独家 权的方式来推动其虚拟现实(VR)产品Oculus的发展。根据美国科技媒体The Information的报道,Facebook计划将《刺客信条》(Assassin's Creed)和《细胞分裂》(Splinter Cell)等游戏引入Oculus Quest和Rift S平台。

报道称,Facebook在这方面的投资将不到10亿美元,而Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)本人也参与其中。

Facebook于2014年以20亿美元收购了Oculus,表明了对VR的支持。当时Oculus尚未发布 终产品,而VR仍只是实验性质的媒介。目前,VR正变得更加普遍,但尚未成为主流。虽然Oculus的高层进行了重组,但此前的几款游戏也取得了成功。因此,Facebook决定进一步押注VR游戏也并不出人意料。

Facebook acquired oculus for $2 billion in 2014, demonstrating its support for VR. At that time oculus had not yet released its final product, and VR was still an experimental medium. At present, VR is becoming more common, but it has not yet become the mainstream. Although the top management of oculus has been reorganized, several previous games have also been successful. So it's not surprising that Facebook decided to bet further on VR games.

目前尚不清楚Facebook计划收购哪些游戏。Oculus发言人对The Information表示:“我们不对具体合作关系置评,但在未来几年时间里,我们将继续专注于扩大内容库,触达更广泛的游戏受众。”目前尚不清楚VR版《刺客信条》和《细胞分裂》何时推出,但可以肯定的是,很快会有更多VR游戏支持Oculus设备。(维金)

It's unclear which games Facebook plans to buy. "We don't comment on specific partnerships, but we will continue to focus on expanding our content base to reach a wider audience in the next few years," an oculus spokesman told the information It is not clear when the VR versions of Assassin's Creed and cell division will be launched, but it is certain that more VR games will soon support oculus devices( (Viking)

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