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Twitter网站投资者关系频道investor.twitterinc.com将对财报会议进行直播。此外,Twitter将(在Twitter上)关注有关本季度财报的讨论,若希望自己的问题在财报会议“问答环节”得到回答,可使用$TWTR将问题发到 TwitterIR。
Investor.twitter.com, the investor relations channel on twitter, will broadcast the earnings conference live. In addition, twitter will follow the discussion of this quarter's financial report (on twitter). If you want your questions to be answered in the "Q & a session" of the financial report meeting, you can use $TWTR to send them to twitterir.
[tiktok买粉丝网] https://www.3ytv.com2019年第四季度,Twitter营收为10.1亿美元,同比增长11%。净利润为1.19亿美元,而上一年同期为2.55亿美元。
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