🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 4、 Where online bonded imported goods are retailed out of the region (Center), the customs supervision mode in the declaration list of cross border e-commerce retail imported goods of the customs of the people's Republic of China declared by the e-commerce enterprise or its agent shall be consistent with the customs supervision mode declared when the front line enters the region (Center) (used to distinguish the online bonded mode and the "9610" general mode), The transportation mode shall be the transportation mode corresponding to the second-line exit area (Center).🟨🟧🟩🟦
[tiktok买粉丝网] https://www.3ytv.comHowever, the return is not as simple as people think. Sun Jianwei, CEO of huitongtianxia, pointed out that although the return process can be applied now, there is still a certain distance from the standardization of the system and the routine of the process. In addition, the return provisions require that the goods be returned "intact", which greatly increases the return threshold, and it is still difficult to return milk powder, cosmetics and other categories.
为做好网购保税模式下跨境电子商务零售进口(以下简称“网购保税进口”)商品监管工作,促进跨境电子商务健康有序发展,根据《海关法》和 有关政策规定,以及《财政部 海关总署 税务总局关于跨境电子商务零售进口税收政策的通知》(财关税〔2016〕18号)、《海关总署关于跨境电子商务零售进出口商品有关监管事宜的公告》(公告〔2016〕26号)规定,现就海关监管有关事项公告如下:
四、网购保税进口商品零售出区域(中心)的,电子商务企业或其 人申报的《中 民共和国海关跨境电子商务零售进口商品申报清单》中海关监管方式应与一线入区域(中心)时申报的海关监管方式一致(用于区分网购保税模式和“9610”一般模式),运输方式应为二线出区域(中心)对应的运输方式。
4、 Where online bonded imported goods are retailed out of the region (Center), the customs supervision mode in the declaration list of cross border e-commerce retail imported goods of the customs of the people's Republic of China declared by the e-commerce enterprise or its agent shall be consistent with the customs supervision mode declared when the front line enters the region (Center) (used to distinguish the online bonded mode and the "9610" general mode), The transportation mode shall be the transportation mode corresponding to the second-line exit area (Center).
五、在网购保税进口模式下,允许电子商务企业或其 人申请退货,退回的商品应当在海关放行之日起30日内原状运抵原区域(中心)内,相应税款不予征收,并调整个人年度交易累计金额。