🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 汪文斌表示,中方注意到近期美国国内许多民众和 社会人士都对美方的所作所为提出批评与质疑。美方不惜损害美国广大用户和公司的权益,将一己私利凌驾于市场原则和 规则之上,进行政治操弄, 终将自食其果。中方督促美方认真听取美国国内和 社会的声音,纠正错误,不要将经济问题政治化,停止打压有关企业,为各国企业正常经营投资提供公平、公正、非歧视性的环境。🟨🟧🟩🟦
【环球时报-环球网报道记者白云怡】美国总统特朗普6日签署行政令,称移动应用程序抖音海外版TikTok和 对美国 安全构成威胁,将在45天后禁止任何美国个人或实体与TikTok、 及其 母公司进行任何交易。对此, 外交部发言人汪文斌7日回应称,得道多助,失道寡助,美方将一己私利凌驾于市场原则和 规则之上,进行政治操作,换来的只能是自身道德滑坡、 形象受损和 信任赤字, 终也将自食其果。
汪文斌在当天举行的例行外交部记者会上表示,有关企业按照市场原则和 规则在美开展商业活动,遵守美国法律法规。美国借口 安全,频繁滥用 力量,无理打压有关企业,是赤裸裸的霸权行径,中方坚决反对。
汪文斌表示,中方注意到近期美国国内许多民众和 社会人士都对美方的所作所为提出批评与质疑。美方不惜损害美国广大用户和公司的权益,将一己私利凌驾于市场原则和 规则之上,进行政治操弄, 终将自食其果。中方督促美方认真听取美国国内和 社会的声音,纠正错误,不要将经济问题政治化,停止打压有关企业,为各国企业正常经营投资提供公平、公正、非歧视性的环境。
[tiktok买粉丝网] https://www.3ytv.comWang Wenbin said that China has noticed that recently many people in the United States and people in the international community have criticized and questioned the actions of the United States. The U.S. side will not hesitate to damage the rights and interests of the vast number of users and companies in the United States, and will put its own interests above the market principles and international rules and conduct political manipulation, which will eventually lead to its own consequences. China urges the US side to listen carefully to the voice of the US domestic and international community, correct mistakes, do not politicize economic issues, stop cracking down on relevant enterprises, and provide a fair, just and non discriminatory environment for the normal operation and investment of enterprises in various countries.
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