ins买粉 疫情正在冲击Twitter广告业务,一季度营收同比下滑

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3月23日消息,Twitter下调了 季度营收预期。疫情在全球的大流行致使广告主 近几周减少了广告支出,导致公司 季度的营收将无法达到之前的预期,并将出现业绩亏损


在此之前,Twitter估计 季度营收在8.25亿美元至8.85亿美元之间,中值同比增长8.6%。但疫情之下,许多广告主都通过降低预算来节约成本,还有一些广告主不愿在与新冠疫情相关的内容旁展示自家广告,这都导致了广告业务营收的下滑。

Prior to that, twitter estimated revenue of $825 million to $885 million in the first quarter, with a median year-on-year growth of 8.6%. But under the epidemic, many advertisers have been saving their costs by reducing budgets, and some advertisers are reluctant to display their advertisements alongside COVID-19 related content, which has led to a decline in advertising revenue.


无论国内 ,疫情都带来了种种挑战,原本既定的推广计划被暂停、客户花钱更谨慎、短期内的经济下行压力···疫情冲击之后,广告行业必须面对长期的市场低迷。

文 | Rainie Duan

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