ins买粉 Facebook将在总统就职典礼前删除包含“停止窃取大选”内容的帖子

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 该公司表示,计划在其应用程序App和网站的新闻板块上对总统就职典礼进行直播。就职典礼后,它将给那些呼吁取消选举合法性的帖子贴上标签,标签上将称呼拜登为现任美国总统。- tiktok买粉丝网- ins涨粉 刷粉自助平台,让你的社交媒体账号粉丝涨不停🟨🟧🟩🟦



新浪科技讯1月12日上午消息,据报道,Facebook周一宣布,将删除含有“停止窃取大选”(stop the steal)字样的帖子,以迎接拜登1月20日的总统就职典礼。

此前在11月,Facebook曾在其平台上删除了一个名为“停止窃取大选”的群组,此后还删除了其他各种相关的群组和页面。该公司表示,在上周美国国会大厦骚乱后,它决定采取这一 新的额外步骤。


"We took this extra step before the president's inauguration because of attempts to continue organizing campaigns against the results of the presidential election, which could lead to violence, and the use of the word 'stop stealing the election' by those involved in the violence in Washington on Wednesday," the company said in a blog post



在周一早些时候,Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)向外界表示,美国国会大厦的致命骚乱“很大程度上”并不是通过他们的社交媒体平台来组织的。在上周,Facebook已经封掉了特朗普在其剩余总统任期内的发帖权利。

Earlier on Monday, Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, told the outside world that the deadly riots in the US Capitol were "largely" not organized through their social media platform. Last week, Facebook blocked Trump's right to post for the rest of his presidency.

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