

6月15日消息,字节跳动(Byte Dance)宣布于10月底关停印度市场的火山小视频(Vigo),并敦促其用户迁移至Tik Tok。

字节跳动旗下Vigo Video在 发布公告称将于2020年10月31日前停止在印度的运营:“字节跳动将于2020年10月31日停止在印度的运营。”在终止服务前,Vigo允许用户将其所有视频上传到Tik Tok,并且可以将应用内的资产迁移至Tik Tok中。使得Vigo用户可以在Tik Tok上继续创作自己的视频。

Byte beat's video announced on its official website that it will stop operating in India before October 31, 2020: "byte beat will stop operating in India on October 31, 2020." Before termination, Vigo allows users to upload all their videos to Tik   Tok, and the assets in the application can be migrated to Tik   In tok. So that Vigo users can continue to create their own videos on Tik tok.

Vigo has been trying to break into India, the world's second largest Internet market, but the result is not satisfactory. According to the analysis results of the data company, the monthly live users of video in May were only 4 million, while the cumulative number of users of video Lite was only 1.5 million. Compared with the data of Tik tok with more than 200 million users, this is really a little unsatisfactory.


Vigo于2017年就开始进军巴西、泰国、印度等 。并在2018年拿下Google Play的应用总版 的成绩。成为继Tik Tok后字节跳动海外市场的又已突破。

本次关停印度市场的运营, 给出的解释是:“战略调整,决定将精力和资源集中在其他的业务上”。此前Vigo已经关闭巴西和中东市场的服务。


作为世界第二大互联网市场,科技巨头林立,竞争激烈。此次Vigo的退出,或将更多“精力和资源”导向Tik Tok。多方资源倾注的Tik Tok将有如何表现,值得关注。

文章源于:techcrunch   原作者:Manish Singh



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