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According to the data, in May 2020, the number of downloads of tiktok in the global app store and Google play reached 119 million times, becoming the largest non Game App in the world, double that of the same period last year. India accounted for 20% of the total downloads, making it the largest market for tiktok downloads; The United States accounted for 9.3%, ranking second.

与此同时,TikTok的5月总营收超过9570万美元(约合人民币6.8亿),是去年5月的10.6倍,蝉联全球移动应用收入榜冠军。其中,约89%的收入来自中欧;其次是美国和土耳其,贡献收入分别为6.2%和1.2%。TikTok在今年4月份以7800万美元的收入名列 ,3月及2月均位列第三。

At the same time, tiktok's total revenue in May exceeded 95.7 million US dollars (about 680 million yuan), 10.6 times that of last May, and won the top of the global mobile application revenue list. About 89% of the revenue comes from central Europe; The United States and Turkey contributed 6.2% and 1.2% respectively. Tiktok ranked first in April with $78 million in revenue, and third in March and February.


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通过向TikTok等平台上的网红提供酬金并展示自家产品,Gymshark从名不见经传的运动品牌成长为价值14亿美元的企业,还获得风投青睐。即使是众星云集的网红世界,28岁的德文·莱维斯克(DevonLévesque)无疑是 …


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