据外媒OnMSFT报道,上周Twitter因其用来生成照片预览的神经网络似乎偏向于显示白人面孔而非黑人面孔而引发关注。这并不是用户 次注意到这样的算法怪癖,因为众所周知,Twitter缩略图会放大图像中的任何文字或面孔,而不是其他部分,无论实际主体是什么。然而这是 次,至少对于大多数用户群来说, 种族的话题被大范围讨论。
According to foreign media onmsft, twitter attracted attention last week because its neural network used to generate photo previews seemed to show white faces rather than black ones. This is not the first time that users have noticed such an algorithmic quirk, because it is well known that Twitter thumbnails magnify any text or face in the image, not any other part, no matter what the actual subject is. However, this is the first time, at least for most users, that the topic of race of choice has been widely discussed.
虽然Windows 10 Mobile可能已经不复存在,但至少该平台的粉丝们看到了这条推文。
好奇之下,OnMSFT记者Brad Stephenson决定自己用索尼PlayStation 5游戏机和微软Xbox Series X的图片做一个对比,结果表明Twitter更倾向于显示微软Xbox Series X。
Curious, onmsft reporter Brad Stephenson decided to make a comparison between Sony Playstation 5 and Microsoft Xbox series X. The result shows that Twitter is more inclined to display Microsoft Xbox series X.
Twitter图像算法更倾向于Windows手机和XSX 而非iPhone和PS5
据外媒OnMSFT报道,上周Twitter因其用来生成照片预览的神经网络似乎偏向于显示白人面孔而非黑人面孔而引发关注。这并不是用户 …