Season greeting!
On behalf of JY, may I take the opportunity to thank you for all your business and support in the last year. (我非常少见到中国人要写thank you for your business。转成汉语仿佛会不对劲。但是用在BE内是肯定没什么问题的。商业服务关联,不必转弯抹角找些原因来谢谢哪些的。别人来做生意你又确是挣了钱,那麼就立即thank you for your business吧。)managed to improve our business efficiency by integrating ourselves into Zecker’s supply chain - the value generated per head of our resource is more than just double. (它是想说什么?我为何要告知老外大家越来越了不起?现哪些现?现的恰好是管理方法工作能力!这一切都是为了更好地表明我可以再接多一点订单而铺的路。顾客是否会注意到?不一定会。那么你要写或是不必写?写多了会孕期吗?)It was a great year.
bath accessories business line. (主题来啦。(我想和你们谈一谈你那另一条产品系列的协作。)之上的拍马屁和铺排虽然关键,但决不能让您有自信把话题一转去撩另一个业务流程的缘故。BE始终仅仅画龙点睛,如果你原本已具有跟别人交涉的标准时,这种销售话术才还有机会充分发挥)We intended to improve our design capability and the bath accessories would naturally be part of the scope.(Scope。。。我总没好的关键字去表述这一scope。这是一个描述「精准定位」的好关键字。说成「经营范围」也行。便是要干什么,不做什么的意思)Two european designer houses are contracted (这一好有「我还在法国金融机构有一个户籍」的的感觉。。。TVB看太多了。。)and I can’t wait to see our new Nordic style series. Another important change is our plating process line. We will invest on both R&D and production so you could expect some second-to-none (译者言不及义,怎样?) finishing that support Zecker to be unique in the market. (这儿用了2个原因去说动为何Zecker要帮我做这新业务流程。一,大家有工作能力设计方案了;二,电渡技术性让商品更强看。留意,是我说是由于大家性价比高服务项目佳吗?是我说大家很便宜吗?是我说要变成 你一直在中国的最好的朋友吗?记牢,言之无物,比不上不用说。看的人水准越高,这些虚的词句能免则免。大神这招,几乎全是less is more的。。)
I am looking forward to discuss with you face to face, probably after the Chinese New Year.We will be closefor the CNY soon after the new year. Let’s look forward another fruitful year.