

As an important intangible asset of enterprises, intellectual property is the most important core competitiveness of enterprises and plays an important role in the growth and development of enterprises. Lanye liquor, as a small and medium-sized enterprise, has the independent intellectual property right of "Blue Storm" registered trademark. When facing the suspected trademark infringement of Pepsi Cola, a giant multinational enterprise, Lanye liquor took it to court and won the lawsuit. It is a trademark infringement case called "ants shake elephants" by the media. This case can be regarded as a model for China's small and medium-sized enterprises to protect their intellectual property rights by changing the passive situation of being beaten.


我们都知道,现在社交媒体应用层出不穷,但视频内容的消费量仍在增长。花费在手机上端的时间越来越长,这为tiktok的发展,准备了一个很好的土壤。为什么说tiktok是海外营销一个很好的平台呢?我们先来看看这些数据: …


最近,因为美国对TikTok的强买强卖引发巨大争议后,外界普遍开始担忧,美国政府将会发起更多针对中国互联网企业的不利举动。这份担忧很快成真,昨天,美国国务卿蓬佩奥在华盛顿召开新闻发布会,威胁在美封禁阿里、腾讯、百度、中国电信、中国移动等中国企业的云服务。 …