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Facebook本周二表示,政治内容仅占平台上实际看到内容的6%左右。这个数字之所以如此重要,是因为美国的主流媒体都非常关注保守派政治内容在Facebook上的病毒式传播。在今天发布的博文中,Facebook的市场分析和营销副总裁Alex Schultz表示,即使在美国总统大选期间美国用户看到的大部分内容都不是政治内容。他表示:“根据我们的分析,政治内容占用户在Facebook上看到内容的6%左右”。
Facebook said on Tuesday that political content accounts for only about 6% of what it actually sees on the platform. This number is so important because mainstream media in the United States are very concerned about the viral spread of conservative political content on Facebook. In a blog post released today, Alex Schultz, Facebook's vice president of market analysis and marketing, said that even during the U.S. presidential election, most of the content that U.S. users see is not political. "According to our analysis, political content accounts for about 6% of what users see on Facebook," he said.
Schultz表示,万圣节当天的发帖量是美国大选日当天的两倍,这还是Facebook在News Feed置顶了关于投票帖的情况下。Schultz还澄清说,关于Facebook页面参与度的列表,通常是由记者或研究人员利用CrowdTangle(其在2016年收购的一家测量公司)和其他第三方测量公司的数据发布的,通常是一个误导性指标,说明什么是真正的病毒式传播。
Schultz said that the number of Posts posted on Halloween was twice that on election day in the United States, with Facebook posting about voting at the top of news feed. Schultz also clarified that lists of Facebook Page engagement, usually published by journalists or researchers using data from crowdtangle, a measurement company it acquired in 2016, and other third-party measurement companies, are often misleading indicators of what is truly viral.
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